The A-list

15 minutes of Spain: Summer Sangria
Amy Tobin Amy Tobin

15 minutes of Spain: Summer Sangria

One of the highlights of my recent trip to Spain was a chance to reconnect with my old friend Rafael. Our families became very close when we all moved to Cincinnati at about the same time. They were expats from France here for GE Aircraft.

I reminded Rafael that he had shared his Sangria recipe with me and how my friends couldn't believe that he added orange Fanta to his mix. He confirmed- he still does!

Try this version of Rafael’s recipe for a sweet and easy summer Sangria. Salud!

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15 minutes of Spain:          I love way!
Amy Tobin Amy Tobin

15 minutes of Spain: I love way!

On a recent trip to Spain I was all geared up to eat each and every churro I encountered. The first one was a disappointment. So was the second. And the third? I didn't even taste it. Clearly the magic of a Spanish churro is lost on me, though the majority of the population loves them. It's not you, Spanish churro, it's me.

I decided to dig out my old churro recipe from Amy's Table: Food for Family and friends.

I hope you'll try it, and love it as much as I do.

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